Sunday, April 18, 2010

Easter Monday - Fishing and Games

After the Kaffemik was over, one of the parents invited me out to go fishing. Ahhh that means I have to walk on the ice. I have a huge fear of ice that covers the water; especially after one of my sled dogs last year fell right into open water. When I was young I remember seeing part of a horror film where a bunch of kids were playing hockey on a pond or lake and one child falls through. The current takes him and as all the other children follow this child on top of the ice, all you can see is the desperation in the boy’s face. I will never forget those boy’s eyes through the ice, hopelessly drowning while the current swept him away. I can’t even remember that name of the film but that scene put a fear so imbedded into my mind and dreams that every time I go out onto the ice, I say a little prayer. Today was a little easier as the whole community was out there in one straight line about 10 feet apart fishing and then Easter games followed. There was a wonderful little tent set up, cooking up bacon, warming up a piece of whale meat, little hands and feet. For about a week I have been looking out of my window at the dark path on the ice, I could not figure out what it was. My fears were that it was melting or soft in that spot. But actually it was a crack in the ice that the locals kept the snow off of so they could easily drill by hand a hole to fish in. Now that makes scene, but of course my fears created all kinds of scenarios. The Easter games were great. The head masters husband, Ilannquaq was in charge of the games. They where really fun, the treats would be placed in the snow and then the children would race for them in many different competitions, like jumping on one foot or picking back riding race. My favorite two games consisted of the children being blindfolded and then they would search for the treats by crawling around on the ice and feeling for them by pushing the snow around. What I most enjoyed about this game was the honesty of the children. Again had we been in North America…most of the children would of cheated by peeking under their blindfolds. Now I know the kids were honest as the adults laughed their guts out while the children passed all the treats…after going about 20 feet too far, finally Ilannquaq told them to turn around. And the other fun game was the whip game. A DVD was placed in the snow and the kids lined up and took their chance of knocking over the DVD using a dogsled whip and who ever succeeded won the DVD. It was a great day and I was frozen like a Popsicle!


  1. Hi Christine,

    I just set up a profile for my students. They will be writing soon.


  2. Sorry, just setting up the account
